Faster Than Failure
A downloadable game for Windows
Please leave some feedback after playing, if you have any questions feel free to ask, and I will answer when I can :)
- Left mouse click to select the ship (if the ship gets highlighted)
- Left mouse click and drag when zoomed in to select units (this works best when the roof of the ship and buildings has faded away so you can see)
Move the camera around with WASD or use the scroll wheel to scroll in or out to the mouse position, scrolling in far enough will hide roofs allowing you to see your crew and enemy ground units
- Right mouse button will clear all selected units including the ship
- Once a unit is selected you can tell it to sit at a console, or pickup a box and store it, or send it to go explore space, a station, or fight some enemies
Note that the current state of the game, clicking on UI you should deselect units first or it could send them to path where you do not want, when in doubt spam right click a bit.
Do not forget to man stations!
To note before playing:
Unit selection is a bit buggy click right mouse a few times before selecting with left mouse (drag is the only way to select units)
The front of the ship has 3 consoles the top mid console is navigation the other 2 consoles are operations (weapons) to move the ship navigation has to be manned, and to shoot weapons ops has to be manned, look at the gifs on the left.
UI is barebones but should tell you if you have someone at navigation.
The orange reactor needs to be refueled every so often, you can use fuel boxes carried by a crew member and then interact with the reactor to refuel (max of 2 boxes)
the hull repair station has a H symbol and takes normal boxes 1 at a time to repair the ship hull
Faster Than Failure
a game about escaping a dead star system littered with disgusting flesh beats.
You play as a ship and crew of 6 astronauts that attempted to use a new form of FTL that had backfired and sent them to a dead system with limited supplies and a damaged ship they must find a way back home!
The theme of the Game Jam this was submitted to, is "Everything has a Cost" in this game you would manage the stress levels or your ship any action you make would cost power or cause damage to your ship that would need to be repaired, with the looming threat of being sucked into a black hole; unfortunately we ran out of time for a majority of those features :(
What can you do?
So far you can navigate your ship to abandoned stations to collect boxes of supplies or fuel that can be used to either power your ship, or repair your ship, this is useful to help combat the threats in deep space while navigating your way towards to exit goal.
Click download now to get access to the following files:
Development log
- Yogscast Game Jam Submission88 days ago